讲座:Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Peer Effects on Educational Investment Among Parents: Evidence from China 发布时间:2024-10-08
嘉 宾:干天琪 助理教授 中国人民大学
主持人:郭俊聪 助理研究员 BAT365唯一官网
时 间:2024年10月16日(周三)14:00-15:30
地 点: BAT365唯一官网徐汇校区安泰经济与管理学院B716
内容简介: Using a randomized experiment with 3379 parents of high-school students in China, I identify two channels of social influence in parents’ decisions on children’s educational investments: parents adjust their decisions based on other parents’ behaviors because they learn from other parents’ decisions (“social learning”) or because their children are facing competition from peers (“competition externality”). I find that both channels have statistically significant effects on parents’ investment decisions and increase their willingness to buy an educational service by over 20%. Although the average effects of the two channels are not statistically different, the main channels of peer effects are heterogeneous by parents’ educational background: parents with higher education are more likely to learn from peers’ decisions whereas those with lower education are mainly incentivized by the competition externality. These results also shed light on the mechanisms underlying the herding behavior and involution in other settings with competition, such as competitive sports.
演讲人简介: 干天琪,中国人民大学经济学院讲师,博士毕业于马里兰大学帕克分校,主要研究领域为发展经济学,实验经济学和应用计量经济学,其研究涉及家长对子女的教育投资决策、信息摩擦、同群效应等方向。曾多次在美国经济学会年会(AEA),美国农业与应用经济学会年会(AAEA),欧洲环境与资源经济学家学会(EAERE)等国际会议上报告自己的学术研究与成果,曾获得国家自然基金青年项目的资助。